Rhythms: Rest

July 3, 2022

Series: Rhythms

Book: Genesis

Listen to Sermon

Scripture: Genesis 2:1-3

And so the heavens and the earth were completed, and all their heavenly lights. By the seventh day God completed His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because on it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.



Sermon Guide_7.3.22_410

Hurry: The Great Enemy of Spiritual Life, a podcast episode by John Mark Comer Teachings, explains how “hurry” goes against the way that Jesus lived and how it opposes spiritual growth, then challenges listeners to be creative and disciplined in how to “unhurry” their lives.


Fight Hustle, End Hurry is a podcast by author and pastor John Mark Comer and author Jefferson Bethke. In each episode, Comer and Bethke discuss different aspects of hustle and hurry, their detriment to our spiritual lives, and what to do to resist hurry.


The Power of Deep Rest

An article by Tim Keller explains the relationship between work and rest, the need for rest to replenish our minds and bodies, and how gospel-rest ultimately points us to God.


Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your Energy, Restore Your Sanity

In Sacred Rest, Dr. Sandra Daulton-Smith describes the different types of rest found lacking in the lives of those she has encountered in her clinical practice and through her research. She explains how a shortage of any type of rest can damage your health, happiness, relationships, creativity, and productivity. Combining research, personal anecdotes, spiritual wisdom, and practical tools, Dr. Daulton-Smith gives readers all they need to pursue sacred rest.

Our office will be closed on December 25 & 26 as we observe the Christmas holiday.
Merry Christmas!