Women’s Bible Studies

Coming together to study God’s word is a way we can abide in Jesus (John 15) as women of God.  The Women’s Ministry offers two Bible study options for Fall 2024.  Below you can read more about our Women Together and Precept options.

Women Together

September 4 – November 20
Tuesdays | 9:30 – 11:30 am – registration now full
Wednesdays | 9:30 – 11:30 am – registration now full
Wednesdays | 7 – 8:45 pm

Online registration is now closed. For inquiries, please contact maggiem@waysidechapel.org

This fall women will be gathering together to study the book of Galatians. We will be studying through the inductive Bible study method. During this time, you will be observing, interpreting, and applying God’s word individually. It is our goal that women of God take ownership of their faith through a deep study of scripture.

Each week you’ll gather together with your group to continue to dive deep through discussion. The sessions will end by fellowshipping through prayer. Scripture calls us to pray for one another (James 5:16). This is how we can be obedient to that call.

Please Note: Ladies need to register by Sunday, September 1 in order to guarantee they will be placed in the same WT group as the spring. After this deadline, we cannot guarantee preferred small group placement.


Fall 2024 Women Together Schedule

September 4 Fall Kick-Off Worship Night | 7 pm
September 10/11 Discuss Lesson 1
September 17/18 Discuss Lesson 2
September 24/25 Discuss Lesson 3
October 1/2 Discuss Lesson 4
October 8/9 Discuss Lesson 5
October 15/16 Discuss Lesson 6
October 22/23 Discuss Lesson 7
October 29/30 Fellowship Week
November 5/6 Discuss Lesson 8
November 12/13 Discuss Lesson 9
November 19/20 Discuss Lesson 10 | Celebration Meal


September 10 – November 18
Tuesdays | 9:30 – 11:30 am

This fall Precept will be studying the book of Galatians.

Online registration is now closed. For inquiries, please contact maggiem@waysidechapel.org

Precept is an inductive study of God’s eternal, inerrant Word, your guidebook for all of life.  The inductive study method brings you directly to the Word of God, apart from another’s understanding or interpretation of the text.

It involves three skills:  Observation, Interpretation, and Application.   The study of God’s Word begins in prayer, asking God, by His Spirit, to open our eyes to understanding, and to lead and guide us into His truth, in the assurance of our eternal salvation.

Each week, we are seated at tables of five or six ladies, in one large room.  The first hour the we are guided through a review and discussion of the lesson, as a large group, by our Bible study teaching leader.

The remainder of the session is small group time at the individual tables, with focused discussion of specific truths and applications of the lesson.  The table time concludes in fellowship, sharing prayer requests and praying for each other.

Fall 2024 Precept Schedule

September 4 Fall Kick-Off Worship Night | 7 pm
September 10 How to Study the Precept Way | Fellowship
September 17 Lesson 1
September 24 Lesson 1 Continued
October 1 Lesson 2
October 8 Lesson 2 Continued
October 15 Continued Discussion | Fellowship
October 22 Lesson 3
October 29 Lesson 3 Continued
November 5 Lesson 4
November 12 Lesson 4 Continued
November 19 Lessons 1-4 Review | Fellowship

Childcare is available by registration only and on a first-come-first-served basis birth – kinder.

Is there a woman you could invite to our Bible study offering?  Do you know a woman who desires to dive into the word of God with other like-minded women and cultivate deep friendships through fellowship?  If so, send her a link to this webpage!


Nov 19 - 20 2024


Wayside Chapel
1705 NW Loop 410, San Antonio, TX 78213


Maggie McCasland
Our office will be closed on December 25 & 26 as we observe the Christmas holiday.
Merry Christmas!