Support Groups
Care and Comfort is a group designed to provide encouragement and support for women who are facing the diagnosis, treatment, and long-term effects of cancer. The goal is to provide support in a way that offers understanding, helpful and relevant information, comfort and hope, and practical support. Fun events and prayer support throughout the year make this ministry unique and valuable as you partner with others on this same journey.
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These resources are available in our Wayside Chapel Library!
- There's No Place Like Hope: A Guide to Beating Cancer in Mind-Sized Bites - Vickie Girard & Dan Zadra
- Everyday Strength: A Cancer Patient's Guide to Spiritual Survival - Randy Becton
- Uplift: Secrets From the Sisterhood of Breast Cancer Survivors - Barbara Delinsky
- When Cancer Comes (Healing for the Heart) - Don Hawkins, Dan & Ginger Koppersmith
- The Race is Run One Step at a Time: Every Woman's Guide to Taking Charge of Breast Cancer and My Personal Story - Nancy Brinker
- No Longer Afraid: Living with Cancer - Doris Sanford & Graci Evans