Advent 2022

Micah tells us that Jesus’ coming forth is from old, from ancient days. We learn from the prophet that Jesus has always existed. There has never been a time when Jesus wasn’t around. This means that Jesus as the Everlasting Father has always loved His people like a dad loves his kids. In other words, father-like love is not new for Jesus. He has and always will love you like a treasure He cherishes. He has and always will be deeply devoted to your wellbeing. Christmas means that He loves you so dearly that He was born for you, to die for you, and to offer you the ultimate good of eternal life. No matter how insignificant you might feel, or unlovable, or unworthy, Jesus loves you like a perfect father. Believe and rest in this truth this Christmas. • What lies do you believe that make you feel unworthy to be loved the way that Jesus loves you? • Who in your life needs to know about the type of love Jesus offers His people? Steven Villacin Community Pastor 24