2023 Advent Devotional

Thousands of years later, God’s own Son took on flesh and blood to be our once-and-for-all sacrificial lamb. For those of us who are willing to face the stain of our own sin, Jesus Christ is the abiding hope of our salvation. The God of the Bible is a God of justice and grace. He’s just because He will judge all sin — no one gets away with anything. This is good news for anyone who has been denied justice in this life. Yet, God is gracious because His Son stood in our place, taking the consequences of our sin. As we celebrate Advent, let us also “bow low and worship” the God who spared us by the blood of the Lamb. • Why is it so difficult for us to see ourselves as sinners? Why is it so easy to give in to a victim mentality that excuses our own mistakes? • How is God’s judgement of all sin an encouragement to us? How can we ensure we’re seeing our own sin rightly so we can worship God for the salvation He offers in Jesus? CAMERON CONTRESTANO Pastor of College & Singles Ministries What have been your takeaways as you’ve pondered God’s promise for a Messiah given to the Patriarchs? We’d love to hear what God has shown you! Tag us on our social channels @waysidechapelsa and use #waysideadvent 19