2023 Advent Devotional

JEREMIAH 10:23 I asked him, “What is it, Noah?” He said, “What are they painting on their doors?” I said, “That’s the blood of a lamb.” I could see I hadn’t dispelled the confusion. I continued, “God sent the Destroyer to judge everyone who’d done wrong. If God’s people didn’t paint the blood on the door, their firstborn children would have died along with the Egyptian children.” “But, why?” He said. “God’s people didn’t do anything wrong...” Suddenly, I realized I was having a conversation Jewish fathers have had with their sons in one way or another for thousands of years. The fathers in Israel understood what their children struggled to grasp. Yes, it is true that the Egyptians are guilty of awful, horrible sin. But, so were they. The apostle Paul states it bluntly, “we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). In our own way, we’ve each contributed and broken what was once beautiful about God’s good world. Led by Moses and Aaron, the sons of Israel took shelter under the blood of an innocent lamb because they understood that when God judged Israel, he was judging all of the evil in the land — not just the evil of the Egyptians. To this day, the Jews remember and celebrate this day because although they were also guilty, God passed over the homes of those who sought salvation through the sacrifice. 18