Pray for Our World | Vol. 4


EUROPE ContinentPopulation:741,651,866 Evangelical:2.5% / TotalPeople Groups:2,126 Countries:51 / Unreached PeopleGroups:573 GreatswathesofCentraland W estern Europe are truly post-Christian — where com m ited Christian rem nants are sm al in num ber, low in conf idence and m arginalized.W hatlitle faith rem ains is conf ined to private belief.These regions are som e of the m ost devoid ofspirituallife in the world and urgentlyneed to bere-evangelized.Prayforanew waveofm is ion to post-Christian Europe,and forthe re-awakening and revitalisation of the Christian faith.It m ay fal to the vibrant faith of African, Asian, and Latin Am erican m igrantchurchesto provide anew spiritualim petusto theseregions. Efective colaboration and partnerships between immigrant churches and indigenous churches in Europe are es entialand hold im m ense prom ise and power.These can give grounding,training,resources, and asense ofacceptance to the newerchurchesand oferenergy,spiritualvitality and links to burgeoning com m unitiesthatthe olderchurchesneed.Together, im m igrant and indigenous Christians can ofer a shining example of Christ’s reconciling power. Im m igrantchurches are undeniably vitalto Europe’s future.PrayforGod to raise up m en and wom en who wil pioneer this bridging of diferent cultures and backgrounds into one unif ied body that wil glorify Jesusand winEuropebackto thegospel. Population,statisticalinform ation,and continentprayerpointsin this guidearecom piled from O perationW orld & TheJoshuaProject.

Creative Access Partners •Praytheywould m odelbeing ‘disciplesworth replicating’in obedienceto scripture& otherswould wantto begin adiscipleship journeyoftheirown. •Praym anyofthe increasinglyclosed and inward-focused M ulsim com m unitiesinEuropewould f ind the courage to explore the claim sofJesus through localfolowersofJesus& also online. •God to continueto useJason & Laura& thelocal church to m inisterto am ong nearly350+ asylum seekers(m ainlyM uslim s)in theirtown. Dueto thesensitivenatureofwhere& withwhom our partners work, we can only share lim ited details. These partnersm inisterthrough evangelism ,church planting,teaching,& translating. •Prayforourthree adultkids(in Guam ,Thailand,and Dalas)thattheywould bef iled with theknowledge ofGod’swilso theycanwalkinam annerworthyof theLord,being alightin theirgeneration. •Prayforour“Zee”brothersand sistersthatthey would stand f irm in thefaceofopposition holding onto hope,theloveofGod poured into theirhearts throughtheHolySpirit. •Asking God forsoftwaredevelopers,language technologists,and IT staf to join SIL'sLanguage Technologydepartm ent. Dennis& Susan Jason & Laura

•God’sleading in ourlife& m inistryasweare curentlyliving & m inistering in theUS. •Christian soccerm inistries& coachesin Ukraine. O ngoing m inistry& sum m ercam psconducted by coaches& clubsoftheChristianFootbalUnionof Ukraine. •End ofthe warin Ukraine& protection offam ily, friends,& partners. Andri & Elissa Petrenko •Good balancebetween “hands-on”localm inistry with thosearound us& worldwideonlinem inistry. •Peace in Ukraine,& continued strength,wisdom ,& soft-heartednes forbelievers& the church thereas theycare fortheircom m unities. •A good balancebetweenthetwo ofus& ourvery diferentm inistryfoci& responsibilitiesaswelas traveling schedules. M INISTRYAREA:UKRAINE Jam es& JulieLauderdale MINISTRYAREA:HUNGARY

•Forspiritual,physical,& m entalvitalityaswe serve. •Forwisdom ,patience,& love aswe reach thelostin SouthBohem ia. •Form ore workersto serve in the Czech (& Slovak) harvestf ields. H ans& JaneKoebele •ThatJesuswould healJonathan com pletely& give Jonathan & Veronika50 m ore yearsoflife & m inistry. Thishasbeen ourspecif ic,“big”prayersince receiving the initialdiagnosisofstage 4 cardiacAL Am yloidosis. •Forwisdom astheyraisetheirdaughterHailey. •Fortheirlocalchurch to increase in joy,holines ,& disciple-m aking. M INISTRYAREA: CZECH REPUBLIC Jonathan & Veronika Rosen M INISTRYAREA: CZECH REPUBLIC

•Praywe can recruit& train 12 church planting team s in the next2 years. •O pendoorsfordiscipleship forIlaria& herteam am ong artists& creativesin M adrid & reach m any withthegospel. •Form is ional/evangelisticbreakthroughsin our church plantin M adrid. •Foram iraculouschanceto buyahom ethatcanbe a base form inistry. M iguel& Ilara Castilo M INISTRY AREA:SPAIN W ayside partnersw ith individualsand fam iliesal overtheglobewhosem is ionisto furtherthe gospel.W ehavethejoyto support,prayfor,and often connectwith these partnerswho evangelize in hard-to-reach places.W e hope thisprayerguide alowsyouto learnm oreaboutourpartnersand partnerorganizationsbased in Europe.W e encourageyou to continueto prayoverthese requeststhroughouttheyear!

W ayside Chapelis a com m unity rooted in the W ord,reaching outto the w orld, and reproducing Christfolow ers. FOLLOW US Form oreinform ationabout m is ionsatW ayside,checkoutour is ions @W AYSIDECHAPELSA INFO@W AYSIDECHAPEL.ORG