Advent 2022

52 54 Teaching is tricky. The teacher uses their words to awaken some discovery or realization in the learner. Jesus was an expert teacher. What dowe findHimdoing? Take amoment and ask yourself what you can learn about Jesus from this one verse. What was He like? Here are a few observations: (1) Jesus was in the synagogue, where God’s people were, (2) He was there on the Sabbath, God’s Day, (3) Jesus was teaching, doing God’s work, and (4) many who heard Him were amazed. At Christmas, we worship Jesus as the Mighty God who put on flesh and walked among us. He did many miraculous things, but He also taught amazing things. Jesus made teaching a central part of His ministry. Jesus amazes people when he speaks because He teaches with authority, power, truth, compassion, and clarity. Peoplewere amazedbecause God is mighty and his Word is powerful. • What does that mean for you this season? How does recognizing the power of Jesus’ words shape your day-to-day? If Jesus is teaching, what are you learning? DECEMBER 22 And on the Sabbath he began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard him were astonished, saying, “Where did this man get these things? What is the wisdom given to him? How are such mighty works done by his hands? MARK 6:2 “ Doug Hurt Pastor of Student Ministries - Stone Oak