Advent 2022

As this baby born in a stable grew into aman, He performed miracles, taught with authority and gave His life so we could have abundant and eternal life. Only the One, true and Mighty God can do these things. Regardless of the longings, sorrows, and sufferings we may be facing this Christmas season, let’s look to the Christ of Christmas. He came to earth as our Savior because His love runs so deep it causes Him to rejoice over us. Zephaniah 3:17 is one of the most encouraging verses found in scripture. It tells us that He is in our midst; He is with us. We are never alone. These words assure us of the security and safety found in Him. This Mighty God, who created the universe, lives inside of us! This amazing truth is a good reminder that His power shows itself most effectively in our weakness. Likewise, His indwelling presence drives out discouragement and loneliness, and then fills us with great joy. It might be challenging to think that this Mighty God could actually rejoice over us, but when He created us, He said we were good. He was pleased with His work, and He wants us to feel, see, and know that we bring Him great joy. He desires to quiet our fears, concerns, doubts, and insecurities by putting our hearts at ease with a calming peace. Because of His love and joy, He exults over us with singing! Can you image the beautiful melody behind the tender words of the songs He composed for each one of us? 52