Advent 2022

No matter the exact place, Jesus entered this world through the struggle of a birth that was not all Mary and Joseph hoped it would be. There was no room in the Inn, so they had to find a place, any place, to give birth. They found a cave and laid him in a feeding trough. What a picture of the birth of the “Prince of Peace.” It doesn’t seem like a likely scenario for someone who would come into the world with the pedigree of “God Almighty.” Yet, this is exactly what happened. Jesus came in the most unusual circumstances, and struggled all of His life.He never owned a home. His family called him crazy. His pastors and elders told himHe was of the devil. His disciples abandoned Him at the moment He needed them the most. Jesus’ birth, life, and death were all a struggle so that He could bring peace. He struggled so we would have peace…peace with God and peace with one another. Peace with God is the most valuable gift. This is what Jesus gives and why He is the “Prince of Peace.” • What is the difference between Jesus’ peace and the world’s peace? • Have you ever reflected on the reality of the struggle of Jesus, birth, life and death? How could he say, “peace I leave with you,” when His life was full of struggle? • What is it about the peace of Jesus that keeps our hearts from being troubled and fearful? 40 Stephen Lay Pastor of Men’s Ministries, Connect, & Leadership Development