Advent 2022

This was more than a command. It was an invitation to experience God’s blessing and a promise to provide everything humanity needed to fulfill our purpose. Yet, the peaceful and productive paradise, which God intended for humanity, was ravaged by sin when we rebelled against the Creator. Now, measure of peace on earth is only relative. True shalom was shattered as we made ourselves enemies of God. Peace was no longer the human experience as God intended but an echo in every human heart of the way it was supposed to be. We were doomed to live with the consequences of our sin.We long for peace, but our lives are full of painful reminders of our alienation from our Creator. And yet, God in His grace initiated a plan to rescue the rebels. The prophet Isaiah spoke encouragement to the aching human heart when he spoke of God’s promise to send a rescuer, a redeemer, a son who would restore shalom. And yet, when Jesus, the Prince of Peace, stepped onto the scene, another definition of peace was more prominent. During those days, Judea—and much of the western world— was under the domination of the Roman empire who had established Pax Romana. But this so-called “Roman Peace” was anything but peaceful. It was a coerced peace. It was peace with a price; peace at the point of a sword—a sterling example of peace through human efforts. We need a supernatural peace not made with human hands. And, praise God, He has provided that for us in Jesus. When Jesus spoke of peace he said, “Peace I leave you; my peace I give to you,” (John 14:27), and “I’ve told you these things so that in me you may have peace,” (John 16:33). The perfect peace, the shalom of God is made accessible once again. 32