Advent 2022

I just went and visited a place with really old buildings. It was neat to walk in buildings five and six hundred years old! It’s odd to see things that are still hanging around that long. We don’t really have a lot of things that last for hundreds of years. The houses we live in now probably won’t be around in a hundred years. Some of the landscape around us is changing. Even the mountains and valleys around us can change! Buildings will be torn down to make room for new ones. Hills will be leveled to let a road go through it. Rivers and oceans will slowly move beaches and shorelines over time. The people around us will change too. Old friends will pass on, new friends may come and go depending on the circumstances of life. But how wonderful that no matter how old things may get, how often things change, and how unsure we might be about our future, Jesus will always be on the throne. He reigns forever and ever! DECEMBER 7 The Lord will reign forever and ever. EXODUS 15: 18 “