Advent 2022

That’s Christmas. Joyfully remembering His appearing and joyfully anticipating His coming. And so, Advent purposefully slows us down so we can intentionally take time to ponder deeply upon the significance of this season and not miss it by getting caught up in the busyness and chaos of the season. Our prayer is that we would resist the temptations to go through the motions and rather that we could take time for reflection and worship as we contemplate the Incarnation of Jesus Christ and who He is. And as we do so, we pray Romans 15:13 would become a reality for us this Christmas. • During this season of remembering, what should we be reminded of? • During this season of anticipation, what should we be anticipating? • How can you stay intentional about worshipping Christ during the Christmas season? We’re so glad you’re joining us on this Advent journey! 6 Jason Uptmore Associate Pastor