2023 Advent Devotional

• Play the Jump for Joy Game. How high you can jump? How far you can jump? Can you jump on one foot? The other? Can you jump in place? In between the different ways to jump, have kids share what makes them feel joy. • Cut out stars or snowflakes from paper.Write Jesus is . . . on each one. Then complete the sentence. • Sing Christmas carols. Turn on your favorite Christmas songs and have a dance party. • Read Luke 1:46-47. Mary was happy that God chose her to be Jesus’ mom. What’s something you’re happy about today? Praise God for it today. • At the dinner table, instead of saying a prayer of blessing sing it! It can be a prayer you are familiar with, or you can be creative and make one up! • Share some Christmas jokes and have a good laugh. • Write a Christmas list but instead of making it what you want, make it a list of what you have that you are thankful for. FAMILY ACTIVITY GUIDE If you’d like to download the PDF of our family activity guide with these and more activities, visit our website via the link below! waysidechapel.org/advent 71