2023 Advent Devotional

We, like the Jewish people, miss our Messiah because He doesn’t come the way we expect. He often doesn’t remove the hardship we are facing, but rather invites us into a place of dependence on Him so He can meet our true need. Jesus’ whole mission in His first coming was to bring peace through a restored relationship with God. He showed love to the prostitutes and tax collectors, healed those who were outcasts because of their diseases and infirmities, and challenged the legalism of the religious leaders. But He didn’t tear down the Roman rulers, and He didn’t free the people from their military oppression. Instead, He showed love and invited them into a relationship that provided peace in the midst of physical struggles. Jesus’ primary concern isn’t our immediate rescue from physical difficulties, but rather, rescuing our hearts which are separated from God. Jesus is our peace. Peace is about our restored relationship with God and our hearts trusting in His sovereignty and goodness regardless of our circumstances. His peace is about eternity. We often miss this eternity-focused peace because it looks different from the way we expect or want. Sometimes life’s challenges are necessary for us to more fully depend on and understand His love. His peace gives us the courage and strength to trust and know, without a doubt, our eternity with Him is assured and we are not alone as we walk through life. 61