2023 Advent Devotional

• Reflect on the idea that Jesus is the obedient and promised King. How does His obedience provide hope and fulfillment in our lives? • In what ways can you strive to be more obedient to God in your own life, following the example of Jesus and the encouragement from 1 Kings 9:1-9? • Take a moment to reflect on the gift of Jesus this Christmas. How can you express your gratitude in prayer or through a personal reflection? • How can you share the message of Christmas and the significance of Jesus as the obedient King and perfect substitute with others in your community or circle of influence? JASON UPTMORE Associate Pastor What have been your takeaways as you’ve pondered God’s promises to His people in the Promised Land and how He has shown love to them and us? We’d love to hear what God has shown you! Tag us on our social channels @waysidechapelsa and use #waysideadvent 42