2023 Advent Devotional

Because for the Christian, there is always hope. Christmas serves as a reminder that our hope is not rooted in the government, it’s not based upon our 401K, it isn’t hinged on our social status or on what we have or don’t have, it’s not based upon our mistakes, or our past… rather, our hope is rooted in a Person, the God-Man, Jesus Christ. He left His throne in Heaven in order to dwell among us, so that He might be Immanuel, God with us — to show mankind that He isn’t done with us. And because of His great love, better days are on the horizon. That’s the meaning of Christmas. • How has the secular understanding of hope as “wishful thinking” or “luck” influenced your perspective on hope? In what ways can you shift your understanding of hope to align with the biblical concept? • In your current season, what challenges or uncertainties are you facing, and how can you trust in Christ with a sense of hope, as described in the devotional? • Inwhat ways can you actively share themessage of hope with others, especially during the Christmas season, to remind them of the true meaning of Christmas and the hope found in Jesus? JASON UPTMORE Associate Pastor 15