Special Business Meeting
Sunday, March 16 | 12:20 pm
Worship Center
The Lead Pastor Search Committee unanimously recommended Pastor Jason Uptmore move forward as the Lead Pastor Candidate in December. In early January, our Elder Board interviewed Pastor Jason and followed that interview with a meeting where they unanimously recommended Jason Uptmore to be the next Lead Pastor. The final step in the calling of a Lead Pastor is for the members of the church to vote on the calling.
The Wayside Constitution requires the vote to be held at a church Business Meeting where at least 25% of the members are present, and at least 75% of the members present must vote in favor of calling Jason. Members must be present to vote, and ballots will be available in the Foyer before and after services on Sunday, March 16.
If you are not an official member of Wayside and are interested in becoming a member, please contact Courtney Mumme at CourtneyM@waysidechapel.org.