Jonathan and Veronika Rosen

Jonathan and Veronika Rosen Czech Republic | Evangelist | JosiahVenture Jonathan and his wife Veronika met while serving together in Josiah Venture in the Czech Republic. Together, they serve in their local church’s youth ministry and Josiah Venture’s regional disciple-making ministry to make disciples who will make disciples wherever they go. Their goal is to see a movement of God among the youth of central and eastern Europe that finds its home in the local …

Hans and Jane Koebele

Hans & Jane Koebele Czech Republic | Church Planters | Operation Mobilization Hans is the Field Leader for OM Czech Republic, and their main focus is on church planting in South Bohemia. Operation Mobilization is serious about the Great Commission and believes that the gospel has the power to change everything. Imagine a world where 25,000 Jesus-following communities are mobilized every year through an inspired workforce, widespread media, and community transformation. This is our “Holy Ambition”. …